1 May, 2000

Welcome to Summer 2000.
It's only 8:15, so there could be some major thing happeneing tonite and I won't write about it, but I don't care, because I'm at the computer now.  Anyway, I'm SOOOOOO stoked right now.  I went to the pit today and I'm feeling almost as good as I was at the end of last summer already.  That means boosting!  I was jumping this double that you had to like turn in the air to clean, then hitting two 5 foot tall, 7 foot gaps right after it.  I threw a little style into some of it at the end of my day up there, so I'm feeling comfy with it again.  I'm thinking about adding my own little biking addition to this site.  I mean, I've got my little spiel on it already, but I'm going to do a technical aspects thingy, kinda like Scotty's www.go-ride.com except mine's going to suck.  By the way, check out Scott's site if you want any info at all on downhilling.  Scott's like the i-net God of all things DH.

Hold on to your promise; you can use it for a crutch.
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