16 May, 2000

So I went to the pit today.  I was doing no-footers, one-handers, fender kisses, tables, and sidekicks.  And it ruled.  And Tim wasn't hitting anything, which worries me, because he was hitting almost everything last summer.  But whatever.
And then later on tonite, I was thinking about how much I suck.  Biking is coming along well, but I'm not at all stoked for yearbook next year.  Cathy has decided not to return, so I'm not stoked on that.  It means I'll be doing EVERYTHING next year, and I can't fathom doing all that will need to be done.  Casey will do a lot, and I'm sure Crystal will put in her share as well, but I'm pretty sure I'll be busy next year.  The problem is that I don't know how to do most of what I think I'll need to do.

Add that to yet another unsuccessful day of mingling with members of the opposite sex, and you get an idea of how my day has been.  I hate me.  I hate you, James!.....just kidding....sort of.....

I know the end is coming soon.
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