22 May, 2000

So I almost died yesterday
Well, not really.
But sort of.
I was jumping at the pit (as usual) and I'd been there for like an hour and a half, and this guy Lou from Wasatch Touring came up.  I've met him a few times, we exchanged our hellos, and we jumped a few times.  I hit the transfer jump and tried to get all Jeremy McGrath style, leaning wayyyyy off the front and left of my bike.  I went bigger than I meant to, and threw my balance off.  My right foot came off the pedal, i panicked, grabbed both my brakes in mid-air, and my bike totally pitched nose-down.  So I try to put my foot back on the pedal, and it gets stuck underneath the pedal.  So here I am, one foot stuck underneath my pedal, about to land in the flat on my front wheel and DIE.  Somehow I managed to land on my front wheel, bring my foot around, and let go of the brakes enough to get my back wheel back down on the ground.  Needless to say, I was done jumping for the day.  It scared me SO bad....I thought I was going to just get thrown to the ground and have my bike chase me down and slam me from behind.
Other than that, everything's okay.  I hate school and I want it to end SO BADLY.  The weather right now sucks:  it's really hot and windy, and I'm pissed that I didn't get to go to Big Bear this weekend to race.  Not that I want to race really, but it would have been fun.
Ah well.

Because you're not here with me.  Laurie, where are you?
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