20 June, 2000

Despite today consisting of seven hours at the computer, the last two days have been really fun.

Yesterday I don't really know what went on.  I got up at like 10, talked to Brandon, and we were going to practice.  But then I talked to Laurie for a minute and she asked if I was going to this little local band punker show thingy in Murray.  I was like "sure, I'd love to go" so me and K cancelled practice to head out there instead.  We picked Laurie up on the way, and even though the show sort of sucked, we had fun anyway.  We went and got some tastymatic pizza from some place called Dion's and then stopped by the Mahoney's house.  I got home at like 12:30 and K stayed over.   We got up at about 10 and ate breakfast, then had the super 4-hour Laffingstock session with just me and him.  We finished the tightest song today, it's so rad.  I'm so stoked to start playing summer shows.  Anyway, then I sat around a bunch, applied at Old Navy, and hung out with Todd for a while.

Why am I so stoked?  I recieved some GRRRRRREAT news last night.  I thought I'd really like botched this situation up, but everything has turned out really cool.  I'm quite excited.


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