22 June, 2000

This is NOT good.  I think I'm already screwing myself over.

I think me and this girl are going to hook up. We've kind of had this little declaration of feelings.  At first I was worried because of the whole Cayly thing, but the deal with this is that I've liked this girl for a long time, but had resigned to us just being friends.  But luckily things took a turn for the better (for me, maybe not for her ;).  Anyway, I was supposed to see her last night, but I went riding.

Me and my dad were riding this trail called Killyon Canyon "kill-ee-yohn canyon" and we were almost done.  We were on like the last half mile of the descent before we got kicked back onto the final descent on a dirt road to the truck.  The trail was like right next to this seven-foot ravine that had a foot of water running through it.  This one spot in the trail was not so kind.  The section was this 45-foot long sweeping left turn and it was kind of banked on the high side.  I came into the corner going pretty fast and didn't see this spot where the trail was like totally slanted towards the ditch.  My back tire totally started sliding into the ditch, so I tried to counter steer until I got over the hole.  I did, but coming out of the hole like unweighted my back wheel and threw it all the way over to the far side of the trail.  That made me panick and try to steer out of it, and i pointed my bike right into the ravine.  At that point I knew I was going to crash so I just clipped out and waited to jump.  When my front wheel got caught in the bushes between the trail and the cliff, it slowed my bike down a ton and I slammed my knee into my crown.  It hurt a LOT.  So I'm thrown off my bike, I'm upside down and backwards in the air, watching my bike plummet into this 7 foot deep ditch with a creek running through the bottom.  Then I landed straight on my back, rolled a little bit, and stodd up.  My knee hurt SOOO much.  I see my dad come around the corner and say "are you okay?" Right as he says "okay" he swerves to miss the whole, slams into the banked side of the trail, and bounced right into the ravine.  He didn't even get away from his bike.  But I guess he got his feet off, landed straight on his front wheel (which was totally destroyed..more to come on that in a bit), and when the wheel folded he just landed on his feet.  So he's like laughing way hard, I'm almost in tears over my knees, and both of our bikes are sitting in the mud/water.

So we get the bikes out, my knee stiffens up and is bleeding everywhere, and we manage to smash the wheel back into some sort of round-lookalike shape.  By this time it's like 8:45 and I know I'm not going to make it to my girl's work in time to see her.  We had to ride out REALLY slow because my dad was worried he'd blow the tube off the rim and crash again.  So we got back to the truck, went to Greek Souvlaki, and went home.

So I had a good reason for not making it to see her in time yesterday, and we made plans to hang out today at 4.  But I didn't call until 4:25 because I was at Guthrie's building a new wheel for my dad, and I had my senior portrait.  But when I called she wasn't home, she never returned my message, and I called back at like 9 and her mom said she wasn't home still.  I hope she's not pissed.  That would suck SO MUCH.  I've been waiting since like October for something like this to happen and right now I'm screwing it up from the start.  But I'll try to make it up tomorrow.  I really hope it's not too late...........

I love the Get Up Kids.  They're really good.
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