1 July, 2000

I was in Park City all this week, so I wasn't able to update or anything.  Sad, isn't it?

Anyway, I was in PC to work on the yearbook.  In fact, I was at Yearbook camp.  It was pretty fun.  We ended up getting quite a bit done.  I was bummed out though, because Laurie was supposed to come up Thursday night and stay with Lauren.  I guess things didn't work out though, so whatever.

Wednesday I went to the Fenix TX/Bad Religion/Blink 182 concert.  I got there for Fenix TX's last two songs, all of BR, then left before Blink started.  It was really fun; everybody at the show was pretty cool.  Bad Religion is an amazing band.  I wish I had more of their cd's other than the four I've got now.

I'm no longer single!  I'm quite stoked to finally have things worked out with Laurie.  I remember talking to her like last October, and she said something about wanting to wait until she turned 16 or whatever to start dating seriously, and I told her I'd wait.  And I guess that worked out well for both of us!

When the garden plows, they are dead.
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