19 August, 2000

Okay, so my updating skills have been lacking severely for almost two whole months now, but guess what?  I don't care what anybody else thinks!  Because this diary thing is for ME, because I hate writing down by hand, and this is the easiest way for me to keep a journal.  I used to be all about the "here's how my day went, won't you read it and identify with me, pity me, counsel me!" style entries, but I'm over that.

So here's what's up with me these days:  I just got back from Lake Powell with my fam, Preston, and this other family.  It was really super fun; I learned how to do backflips, Preston hucked some backflips off an 18 foot cliff, and we wakeboarded quite a bit.  I'm still hooked up with Laurie (yay!), and we went to the Lefty/Unwritten Law show the other night which ruled quite a bit.  I'm looking forward to the Get Up Kids here in a few weeks, and Face to Face a few weeks after that.  School starts the 29th.  Not so stoked on that, but whatever, right?  Right.

It's a good song.
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