17 Septeber, 2000

I just read the biggest waste of space on the web.  It's from this kid's website I know, he goes to West with me.  The article was written in March, but I'd never been to his site before.  The whole thing was some rant against humanity.  I mean, I don't like people as a whole either, but this kid was going off the handle.  Completely irrational and negative comments.
The first thing he said: "What's the worst, you people think you are the apex of evolution, smarter, stronger, faster.  You're wrong!  Got that?  WRONG!!!"  Of course we're not the apex of evolution, you moron.  We're the climax.  We can't be the apex; evolution is still occuring.  Then he basically types his two cents on every type of person identifiable, as well as his friends, labeling them all as ignoramuses and idiots.  Can we say prideful?  Of course, he closes with "they will have to justify this and come up with some bogus explanation and tell me and completely miss what I am trying to say here."  Talk about a unviersal cover-up!  He obviously is very insecure about who he is, and so he's attacking everybody else for it, then thinks he can seal reality out by saying the he is uniformly correct and everybody else is impossibly wrong.  I just thought that was way funny.  What a dork.

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