01 October, 1999

Homecoming Dance ruled.
Even though I didn't get any.
Let's see...today....I got up. Went to school.  Watched TV West.  Sat through the rest of 1st.  Skipped math to help Nick and those guys go set up for their lunchtime performance.  Moshed my brains out at lunch, showed up to our
Crime and Punishment test in third all sweaty and amped to ROCK!  Destroyed the test.  Went to photography, learned how to properly hold the camera and to shoot film.  Also learned how to mount photos onto cardstock with tack paper.
Then school ended.
I didn't go to XC today.  I stayed in the photo room with Peter Reiter and the teacher, Tom.  We did our own things for like a half hour.  Actually, Tom left pretty quick, so I finished mounting my pics while Peter developed some film.  Then we went to Burger King because the Five Alls (Brandon, Nick, Mikey, Mike, and Hunter's band) played at lunch.  Which ruled, by the way.  I love moshing.  It's the dopst.
Then I came home and got all ready for the dance.  My tux was immaculately good looking.  Too bad I was wearing it, huh! It actually looked pretty good on me, I think.  I got Lindsey some little Corsage thingy, but it turned out that the jackers at Flower Patch didn't include a pin, so I didn't get to put it on her dress.
The dance:
I picked Lindsey up at 7:15.  She looked WAYYYYY good.  Her granny took a pic of us, then we left for dinner.  We ate at the nice restaurant in Little America.  When we got there, it was only Kevin and his date Katherine.  We sat around until like 8:15 (we'd arrived at 7:45), and since our reservations were at 7:30, we started to wonder where the rest of our group was.  We just went to the restaurant and sat down at our table.  Like five minutes later, the other eight people roll in all casual.
Dinner was good.  It wasn't too pricey, but tasty nontheless and the atmosphere was pleasant enough.  After that, we went to the dance.  I think it was like ten when we got there.  We got our singles taken, then jumped right into line for our group photo.  Our group was huge; there were like 46 kids in our picture.  I think we managed to have the biggest group of everybody there.  So we were done with photos at probably 10:30, and then we danced for an hour, until the dance ended.
After that we went to Mikey's to change to go paintballing.  Lizzie, in an abnormal fit of ingenuity (sarcasm drips), forgot a change of clothes and had to wear mikey's sister's stuff.  Pretty funny.  We didn't get out to the paintball place until like 12:45, then didn't get to start until 1:15.  But it was tons of fun.  We stayed until like 2:30 or so.  I got shot in the center of the top of my head the first round.  But it was late in the round, so I didn't mind.  Then the second round, I was doing really well and almost made it to the baton when Robert Graham shot me in the hip.  I started standing up to leave the arena when somebody on MY TEAM (I'm still suspicous of Dana, even though she denies it.  Just joking, D...) shot me in the back.  So that sucked; they were both really good shots that stung for five minutes.  The third round though.....I ruled it.  Me and Amy sat in the back behind the clear screen while Adrianne and Nathan pushed up the outside.  I was taking out people left and right; me and Amy are actually pretty good shots.  By the last two minutes there was probably only four people left on the other team, and they wouldn't even look over the barricade.  So I pulled the terminator and just walked up the rows, shooting people.  I almost shot Jamie Maak in the back from two feet away, but she surrendered.  I did get Preston's date from ten feet, though, so I hope she was pissed and he didn't get any.  I sure as hell didn't.
So that was that.  I drove Lindsey home and we talked about all the crap she has to put up with from a bunch of jerks.  I decided it was/is best not to pursue her any further.  But we still had fun.  All I got was a hug, but no biggie.

Tonight ruled.

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