2 October, 1999

Today should have been really cool.  But it wasn't.
Kashif called me at 11:45 to go to the BASh.  Apparently Face to Face was scheduled to go on first. So I went and picked up Kappy, then hauled ace out to the fairgrounds.  I only got to see F2F's last song.  But it was okay because i got to talk to Trever for a few minutes and shake his hand!  It was cool; he's a really nice guy.  I met up with Brandon in the pit.  Kappy forgot his ticket and called his dad.  So he missed F2F cuz he had to wait for his tic to arrive.  But then Unwritten Law went on.  It was cool for a while...I even got to crowdsurf!  But eventually there were so many people crowdsurfing that it got lame cuz you couldn't stop getting nailed in the back of the head by shoes and stuff.  So me and Brandon bailed.  We got back just in time for a really, really old song called "Crazy Poway Kids"  that i love.  Me and only like six other people knew it.  It was cool.
After that, we finally found Kappy.  Then we sat around for like an hour, watched some girls at the Real Ride booth show everybody their tits, and watched some crappy sk8ers.  Then Mikey came up and choked me instead of saying hello.  Meeting up with them was good cuz Mikey bought me a drink.  Then we watched like three minutes of Cake, then went back to doing nothing.  Primus was cool, except I only got to stay for one song.  But I surfed again, and again it was rad.
Then I went home, showered all fast, and went to Priesthood meeting.  That was good, except I didn't really feel the spirit from Pres. Hinckley's talk; it was all about the Church's position on varying things.  It was all stuff that needed to be said, but I was hoping for more of a morally-gratifying talk.
After that I went to Prestons and watched the vid of Five Alls at lunch with all of them.  It was cool.  Then Lindsay and Allison brought Lizzie, Sarah, and Jamie down.  They were all drunken biotches.  It was really, really funny.
Then I came home.
And now here I am.

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