11 October, 1999

I got out of bed and got yelled at by my mom because I woke up ten minutes after school started. So since I was 45 minutes late anyway, I chose not to go to seminary, and go to photo instead.  I developed a roll of film of my doggies.  I don't care if they're fat.  They're cool.
Then I went to weightlifting.  That was pretty good.  Then I went to lunch.  That was pretty good.  Then I went to history.  That was pretty boring.  Then I went to yearbook.  That was pretty frustrating.
Then I went to see my shrink. That was cool.  We talked the whole time about how my family treats me, and how I should deal with them, stuff like that.
Then I came home, rode for a while, then started my english.
It is now 11:38 pm.  I'm still doing english.
I have so much to do.  Well, I'm more than halfway done.  But I still have a lot.  It's stupid of me; I knew I had a lot to do over UEA, but didn't do it. Now I'm out $3 cuz I bought a case of Dr. Pepper to keep me up all night, and I'm going to be late to school tomorrow because I'm going to get in bed really late.
My own fault, though.

Journals are so GAY!
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