12 October, 1999

Good day today.
First period was marketing.  That was gay, cuz we had a debate about Wal-Mart.  I got stuck in the environmentalist group.  I hate environmentalists.  They're all freaks and weirdos.  So that was gay.
Then I slept through math.  Suprise Suprise.
Lunch consisted of me fighting my way through a mob in order to get my dance pics.  That was FUN! (Sarcasm: High)
Third was English.  I got my
Crime and Punishment test back today; I got a 28 out of 30!  I was stoked.  Then I went to a few minutes of photo.  I only went for enough time to print my last pic for my assignment that's due next week, and to mount it.  That took like thirty minutes and I had forty left to burn.  Off to McDonalds!  None of the hall security even questioned me.
Then I came back to school for yearbook.  It was okay; the computers were freaking out so it took forever.  Then Cathy basically told me that my pictures sucked and my captions all needed to be re-written.  So I have to miss cross country regions tomorrow.  I don't care though, as I'll still get out of third and fourth period to work on YB stuff.
Then I drove Lindsay home.  It was silent.
Then I wasted the entire afternoon on the computer.  I'm such a dork.
Oh well.
Oh! Our band has 2 upcoming events:  a show at school because we're going to be highlighted on TV West...and a hopeful show in early November.  We're playing with the Brighton girls and the dudes from Oly, so it should be rad.
I'm out!

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