13 October, 1999

I was at school for 11 hours today.
Well, sort of.  I was in the yearbook room all day.  I didn't go to any classes today, because my page was due.  That was okay though, cuz the page turned out really, really cool.  Let's see...I sat in that bloody room all morning.  I went to photo club meeting/WHAM photo for yearbook at lunch.  Then, back to yearbook!  Here, I actually got some serious stuff done.  I learned to scan pictures in to color spreads.  I got my page all nice and pro-looking.
I left school at about 1:25 for the cross country meet.  I got there just in time to change and warm up for the JV race. I did okay; a personal record but I got worked. Everybody else got better all season while I seem to have more or less stayed the same.  Girls varsity is going to state, and boys varsity is staying home.  Oh well.
Then I stopped by Dana's house, as the meet was like a block away, to see if she was home.  She wasn't.
Back to yearbook, yet again!  I get back to West at 4:45, and dont' leave until 6:15.  Then I made dinner, and showed Dave's Subie to some chick who wants to buy it.
The best part: I dyed my hair tonite!  I thought my hair had grown enough since school started that I could cut all the black off.  Wrong!  I cut it to an inch, and the top half of each hair is still black.  You could say I have black tips, but it's like half in inch of black.  Then the roots, or bottom half of each hair, are now natural red.  It looks so wacky.  I can't even describe it, and I guess I'll see how the ladies like it tomorrow (not that it's going to make a difference).
I am so poor.  I hate it.  I need income!!!

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