14 October, 1999

Today was all good, except I'm all sad now.
I was late to first today, so I missed the Jazz Band picture for yearbook.  I'm pissed about that, but can probably arrange to have the picture re-taken by either Tim or Britta later in the year, as I'm on yearbook staff.  Then I sat through a BORING lecture about computers, technology, and the business workplace.  My teacher is lucky the desks in his room are so uncomfortable, otherwise we all would have been out cold.
After IB business marketing (the sleepy class), I went to math and aced my test.  I didn't even fall asleep today!
Lunch was gay.  I went to Mickey D's (McDonalds for those NOT in the know), and grabbed a 9-piece chicken mcnugget meal. Tasty.  Then english.  We took 2 quizzes, and I did okay but not grand on both of them.
Then I went to photo!  I love that class.  Tom (the teacher) showed me how to burn and dodge photos.  I made some cool prints of my self-portrait. I burned in my eyes and the background, and nothing else. It's some scary stuff.  But I also did a really cool one of Adrian's VR6.
Then I went up to the yearbook room to try and print my page. Yet the computers aren't working (suprise!) still, so I get to wait until tomorrow (which is now actually today, as it's 12:01).  So I sat in yearbook for like five hours today, doing absolutely nothing.
Me and Lindsay left at the same time.  As I was driving away from school, I waved at her, and realized she was having some car trouble.  I stopped, and her car was stalled and wouldn't start.  So I pushed it around the corner to somewhere it could be parked, then drove her to her dad's store.
Then off to the football game!  We destroyed East.  It was the 100th meeting between rivals East and West, and our last home game of the millenium.  We won by twenty-something points.  Then I took these two German exchange students out to dinner after.  We met up with some of their buds at Hires.  They're all so cool.  It was fun to talk to them about all these stupid little things that they think so differently about than me.  This one girl, Hannah, is EXTEMELY attractive. I found out, when I dropped her off at Heather's house, that this was her last day at West.  I was pissed, cuz we seemed to be hitting it off extremely well, and I was hoping to get an international experience out of it.  Well, I'm not destroyed or anything over it but it would have been fun.
So now here I am.  I had some conversation a few minutes ago with Laurie from the Chic Geeks about "posers" and "punks." Apparently some of her "friends" think she's not a real punk rocker and she's just trying to be cool by being different. That sort of stuff totally pisses me off.  First of all, Laurie seems to exemplify every standard punks fight for.  Secondly, who are they to determine who is punk and who isn't?  That simple act of judgement makes them NOT PUNK for ever.  Thirdly, even if they're not punks, they shouldn't be saying what is really "cool" and what isn't.  That is also very stupid and bigotrous.  I'm sad about that, and that I'll never see the Germans again. They're the best!

Dine Journalkin
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