23 October, 1999

Today was SO RAD!
I slept over at Preston's last night.  His parents are out of town...again...so we kicked it there.  But before I slept over, I went to some party out by Fort Union blvd. with this girl from Brighton.  She's really cool and even though the party was kinda lame, I had a good time hangin' out with her.  I'm not sure if she thinks I'm some freak or not yet, though, so I'll hafta wait and see if things turn out for the better.
So after that, I got to Prestons, and everybody was sitting in this one little room listening to music.  It seemed that I had arrived just in time to save them from their collective deaths from boredom.  So after a lil bit most of the peoples left, and we didn't go to bed until like 2:30 cuz we ordered a pizza and did some other stuff that I can't remember.
We woke up the next morning at like 8, then went to buy Rage Against the Machine tickets.  Well, they woke up and bought tickets, I stayed asleep for a long time.  They got back at 10ish I guess, and we got breakfast at Dee's.  After which, we went our separate ways.  Preston, Mikey, and Hunter went sk8ing and to sell yearbook ads, while me, Nick, and Brandon went to practice music and stuff.  I eventually took Lil K and Ianor home, then me and Nick went back to Prestons.  Then Preston's lady came over.  Then we all had like an hour of pillow-fight mayhem, followed by a lil wrestling/kick-boxing match betwixt me and Nick.  Then I guess some people came over or something, but I fell asleep and was awakened by Bronwen laying next to me on the couch.  She's all tan and hot...plus I think she wasn't wearing underwear.  That's SOOO mean, seeing as how she all caught my attention, doesn't wear underwear, and totally flirts with me all night.  And yet, she's going out with one of my best friends.  If she wasn't with Nathan....
I think illegal things would happen ;)

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