5 October, 1999

I will never touch an ounce of alcohol in my life.
Today was a very interesting day, I suppose.  School was okay; first period I got out of to go play some blues with Peter Lelis and Brandon Kitterman.  Second was math (read: second was nappy time).  Third was English (read: nappy time), and I left lunch early to go into the photo lab and stayed there all throughout fourth.  Then I went to (brace yourselves) THE DUMP!!!! to drop off our old dishwasher.  I got home and did something.  I think I got on the comp, but I'm not sure.  Anyhow, after that I went out to get my sister from her soccer practice.  I thought it ended at 6:00, so I got there at like 5:50.  It ended at 7:15 and my mom was there anyway.  I fell asleep in the car listening to Lagwagon for a bloody hour and a half.
But that was just the beginning of the fun!  I got home, got on the phone/net to find out what my friends were doing.  Apparently everybody had their own little individual plans.  So I ended up going to a juicer at the Pit with Jamie, Sarah, and Lizzie.  The party itself was fun.  I talked to a bunch of people I normally don't talk to.  Pete Lelis and Craig Johnson were actually sober, along with me of course, because they were designated drivers.  Jamie was in the same boat.  At like 10:15 we left the pit (we'd gotten there only like 45 minutes before), and went to some hidden basketball court called "the pad" which was gay.  There were like four other guys there besides me and the girls.  Lizzie was so incredibly drunk that I had to help her down the stairs to get into the place, then practically carry her up the stairs to get out.  We went to Smith's because she "really needed some bread."  When I came out of the store, she was asleep in the car.  So I drover her back to her house.
About two minutes away from her home, she threw up.  A lot.  All over the f*cking car.  I thought she was dead; her eyes were all rolled back in her head, she was laying on her back, and she was like oozing vomit all over the seat.  Thank God for Vinyl!  Anyway, we got to her house, she falls out of the car, somehow ends up practically underneath the thing, and I like push her as she stumbles into her room.
Covered in her own vomit.
I will never drink.  Before I thought it was just lame, plus it kills brain cells.  Now I know it's a stupid, stupid thing to do.  If I hadn't been there, she would have died.  It probably would have been better that way.  I hate her for another reason now.  Alcohol is stupid.  I don't care what anybody else thinks; tonight proved to me that drinking is about the dumbest thing you can possibly do short of pointing a gun at yourself and pulling the trigger for fun.

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