8 October, 1999

Today was mostly cool.
I slept over at Preston's last night.  Brandon did as well.  We got up at like 10:30, played Bond for an hour, then ate breakfast.  Then we went sk8ing at the U.  It was pretty cool; Mikey, Travis, and Todd were there BLADING for TV West.  Actually I don't care that they were blading; they're cool.  Well, Mikey and Travis are cool.  Anyway, they were blading.  We all sk8ed together for a long time, then went to the union to get lunch.  At four.
We got back to my house at like 4:45.  Then we skated in my neighbor's backyard; he's got a bunch of ramps and schtuff.  It was pretty rad.  Then we came back to my house, and me and Mike did our yearbook page that's due on Monday.  Preston took Travis to work, then we went to Smiths.  By now it's like 9:30.  We got some frozen fish and pizza, went to Preston's house, and munched down.  I called home at 11:45 to see if I could stay, and my mom like freaked out.  So here I am.
I'm pissed.

A dark JOURNAL fell over all
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