6 November, 2000
So guess what tomorrow is?  It's election day!  I can't begin to describe my dismay with the state of this great nation in which I live.  Right now I'm in a huge debate with Carly about the state of politics in our country.  I think it's hillarious; people have the most messed up views on everything, they see the world from their little box and don't look at anything else.  I'm not saying I don't do that, but the very fact that I'm aware of myself doing that puts me in a whole lot better light than I can say for the majority of my fellow Americans.  I can understand why people want to stop world hunger.  I can see why people don't want to sit idly by while Arabs kill Jews and Jews kill Arabs because of land.  I can see why people think that abortion is okay or why it's awful.  I can understand that everybody has their own point of view, but I can't understand why everybody refuses to see anybody else's point of view.  Let's take a look at the two party system.  The whole idea of having a party is inevitable, as people with like ideas and views will band together, but formally declaring them a team or whatever is so destructive.  Republicans all decide that Democrats are foolish, Democrats all decide that Republicans are too staunch and old to understand the "world today."  Of course it's not like 100% of people affiliated with a party base all of their decisions on what their leader tells them to, but statistics show that 75% percent of voters vote with their party, regardless of their personal views on issues and how their views stack up to the views of potential political leaders.  I don't want to type about this anymore, it frustrates me.  Oh yeah, I forgot, I also am not allowed to complain because the government doesn't "directly affect me" or something like that.  So ignore everything you just read.
six more years to go
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