22 November, 1999

Lemme sum up the recent important events:
Laurie stopped talking to me totally...she won't return my calls now
Me and Preston got in some huge argument and it got swept under the rug...expect it to resurface...
I think I have mono, but I don't know why.  I don't share drinks, I haven't kissed anyone..?..
I saw that movie SLC Punk and now I don't know who I am or why I do anything because it's all a waste...
My GD bike won't sell, so I still am penniless...
I've been informed that girls see me as a man-whore and a "player" or whatever, even though I haven't kissed a girl           since Dana in May...
I've been called a poser many times lately and it's starting to get me down...
My parents were getting really cool, but now they're all lame again because I'm showing my individualism...
I am totally stoked to go to the Strung Out show on Wednesday, then to go RIDING!! SNOW!!

I was in a decent mood until earlier today, until I found out that Lauren is having like the worst time of anybody I know.  Everything that was stable in her life like a week ago is suddenly exploding.  It blows!  The worst part?  She doesn't know that I care about her (I don't think, anyway) so there's nothing I can do.  I haven't even talked to her.  I guess we'll see how that goes.

I need something badly.  I'm not sure what it is.  As soon as I find out, I'm going to make sure I get it.  But it's really bugging me.  I've got this incredible desire to obtain something, but because I can't figure out what it is, I can't get it (duh).  So that's not making things any easier.

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