25 November, 1999

Bleh.  I always get sick on Thanksgiving weekend.  It blows.
Okay.  So last night was the Strung Out show at DV8.  I bought Laurie a ticket on Monday cuz she said she was going to go.  And I explained to Brandon on Tuesday that we'd need to go and get Laurie at around 5:00.  I get to Brandon's at 4:45, and nobody's home.  I'm like, okay, maybe he's still at driver's ed.  So I run out to the Rack to get my punk rock boots, as my steel-toes are just loafers and could easily be stolen by an experienced shoe-popper.  I get back to Brandon's at 5:30ish, and his bro Ryan informs me that Brandon has just left.  For band practice.  In freaking Rose Park.  So I'm already like a half hour behind schedule on where the freakin' heck (Utah!) Brandon is AND I'm late to pick Laurie up.  Except as I'm walking out the door to go get Brandon, Ryan tells me Laurie called.  I try calling her, and nobody's home.  Crap.
So I get out to Mike's house to get Brandon and he's playing apologetic, but I milked him for $10 of money for gas, so it all worked out.  As I'm stopping for gas, I decide to use the pay phone to try and get ahold of Laurie.  She's not home AGAIN.  I call Lauren to A) see if she's going with us, and B) attempt to locate Laurie.  Lauren tells me she's not going, and gives  me Laurie's cell phone number.  I call that, and Laurie's like "We're still at the mall, it's a good thing you were late.  I'll meet you at my house."  So I'm stoked that Laurie hasn't been waiting and isn't pissed at me.
So me and Brandon drive for 45 minutes to get to her house.  And she's not home.  So we wait for ten minutes.
She gets home, and I tell her that Lauren decided not to go.  So Laurie calls Lauren to find out what the deal is, and Laurie's mom says "If Lauren's not going, Laurie's not going."  Me and Brandon are like "um....okay..." (even though we bought her a ticket already, then drove all the f*ck*ng way out to 72nd south to pick her up, and I can WALK TO DV8 FROM MY HOUSE!).  So Lauren tells Laurie the same thing she told us, and me and Brandon are going solo-mission.  It's okay though, as Brandon's a rad guy.  And I decided after about ten minutes that I wasn't pissed at anybody, as Laurie's mom was just looking out for her 15-year-old daughter's saftey when two kids with red and green hair show up to take her to a punk rock show.  Definitely disappointed, but not angry.
The show was good, but halfway through Strung Out's set, I started feeling really gross and sick, so I bailed and dragged Brandon along with me.  Then I showered for like an hour, and got in bed.
Today consisted of sitting around from 9-3, then eating for two hours (heck ya!), then sitting around until 11:30 when I started typing this.
I'm out!

Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow
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