3 November, 1999

Yay!  Today doth Rock!  Lemme tell you why.
Three cool things happened today.  The first?  I went jumping at The Pit.  Not only am I clearing Fatty every single time, and I've lost count how many times I've hit it, I can bust off it now.  I pulled some lil side kicks, some X-ups, a FAT fender kiss for some BMXers.  The best was my last jump, though.  I pulled some Table Top, which is the most stylie trick in the books.  It's a side kick/X-up/lay-it-flat.  You get your bike sideways in the air, turn the bars so the front wheel is pointing forwards again, and lean the bike as parallel to the ground as possible.  I did a HUGE one.  I'm so stoked!  Next time:  No-Footer.
The second:  Me and Laurie are going to hang out on Friday, assuming she can get out of kickin' it with her little sister all night, as it's her birthday.  I guess that's kinda messed up, but it's Bad Religion Day Friday, and we're going to celebrate!  We're planning to go up to Brighton and check out my "cabin."  It should be lots of fun.
The third:  My legs are still really sore from doing LEGS ONLY in weightlifting on Monday.  But I took a bath like half an hour ago, and now they feel better!

Huck back to the index
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