6 November, 1999

A most unusual weekend indeed.  Let's start with Friday.
What did I do yesterday afternoon....?  I can't really remember.  Maybe that's because I did NOTHING.  I got home from school, with Hunter actually, and we sat around for a while as he tried to locate John.  Eventually Hunter tracked him down and I drove him over to Vickers' House.  Then I had like two hours to burn before I went to pick Laurie up.
Getting out to Laurie's sucked.  I hate people, especially the ones who own cars.  There's too many cars on the roads, and the vast majority of people operating such cars are either anal or just suck at it.  It took me a little more than an hour to get to her house.  AN HOUR.  Last time it took 33 minutes.
Anyway, after I managed to avoid my destruction on the roads, I picked her up, and we went to Taco Bell.  A darn good chicken soft taco and 32 oz Dr Pepper for a mere $2 or something.  It was tasty.  So then we went up to Brighton.  This part gets it's own paragraph.
We got up there, and we went to my family's lot.  I tried to get the door unlocked to the old cabin up there, but apparently didn't have the right key.  It sucked; I felt stupid and as though we'd kinda wasted our time driving up there, even though there's nothing of interest in that little shack.  So we drove up to the base of the ski resort and went on some little hike to the base of the girls camp.  Laurie, in her infinite wisdom :P , wore sandals.  So it was kinda funny walking over the ice/snow.  Anyway, we got to the huge boulder at the girls camp and just sat and talked.  It was really cool: the city lights dont' really interfere with the sky up there, so all the stars were incredible.  The fact that I was with some gorgeous girl didn't exactly take away from the experience.  Anyway, nothing happened.  We just talked about whatever.  It was cool though.  She's pretty rad, and we seem to have a lot in common.
So we were there for like a half hour, then walked back to the car.  I drove her home, bought the new Jimmy Eat World cd (which I put into my cd played, hit "repeat" then "play" and that's how it still is).  It's so good!  Since I bought the cd from Graywhale, I figured I'd stop by Vickers' and see if he was home.  He was, and we went to Spag Fag with some people.  It was cool.  And yet frustrating.  Then I went home.
So that was yesterday.
Today was less eventful.  I woke up at like 11, had breakfast, went jumping at the Pit. Oh!  Jumping!  I got worked up there.  I didn't even come close to making this gigantor double, jumped over my bars, fell to my knees and cracked one of my knee pads, then my bike came down on top of me.  It sucked.
Then I came home, burned a lot of time, and ended up at Preston's watching SLC Punk, which I really really like a lot.  It's on my list of favorite movies now.

You're not bigger than this, not better, why can't you learn?
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