23 December, 1999

Stupid computer crashed again.
I'll definitely be back laters to talk of things past.  Life is getting interesting.
Okay!  Now it's been six hours since I wrote that ^^^^.  Let's talk about the last week.
Last Friday was winter dance.  I went with Erin Moore, and to make a long story short, we kissed when she dropped me off.  And it wasn't just a goodnight peck, it was like a good solid kiss.  Closed-mouth, but a good one nonetheless.  Here's the problem: as much as I like Erin, it's not like that.  She's rad and funny and all, but I'm just not interested in pursuing a relationship with her at all.  Not outside friendship anyway.  So I don't know what to do about that whole thing.  I have absolutely no idea what to say, so I'm not going to tell her anything until I know exactly how I want to say it.  Even though it's already been a week.  So I'm a pussy.  Sue me.
What else...?  Oh yeah, nothing!  Lol.  Seriously though...I went skiing yesterday.  It was pretty lame, and here's why. I slept over at Preston's on Tuesday night and woke up at 8 in the morning so I could take my lil sis skiing with me.  We hadn't gone to bed until 2:30, so it was tough.  Anyway, I got home at 8:32 (2 minutes late) and Catherine had left with a bunch of friends.  So I sat and was pissed about skiing alone all day and didn't end up leaving until like 9:30.  I got on the mountain at probably 10:30 or so, and it was good skiing but skiing alone BLOWS so I left at like 1.
So I drove down to Brighton High School and (eventually) picked Laurie up.  We just drove around for like an hour, and it was pretty cool, just talking and stuff.  A little while ago Laurie told me that she was going to obey her mother and not do the serious relationship thing until she turns 16, which is cool with me.  I think it's rad that she's going to stick to her guns or whatever.  Except I think that was a line!  A lie!  I've been duped!  Her journal entry of yesterday talks about some 20-year-old dude at Brighton who was totally hitting on her and she was down to go on some date with the dood until she found out he's 5 years older than her.  I'm not pissed that she wants to date or whatever, I'm pissed that she told me one thing then does something completely different.  Whatever.  It's probably just some big misunderstanding and I don't deserve to be pissed because it's not like we were together or anything...but still...
I like her a lot, and it's hard to watch it blow up in your face, you know?
Today sucked.  I don't think I did anything worthwhile.  And I think Christmas is going to blow.
Oh, the biggest news of the week?  My mom finally caved: I have permission to purchase, own, and operate a motocross bike.  See you in the hospital!

Backy Backy
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