25 December, 1999

So now it's over, another Christmas, and I'm another day older.  But here's what I got:
We got a new dog, a chesapeake bay retreiver, yesterday.  He's 16 weeks old, and is name from his old owners was Cody.  That name is a little hessian-istic, though, so that had to go.  I was pushing for Terje (Tare-Jay) to proudly display our Scandinavian heritage/love for Norweigian snowboard pros, but Dave shot that down.  Instead we picked a local mountain, Pfeifer (Fy-fer).  Whatever.  He's still a cool dog, just a wacky name.
Then we also got a new computer monitor a few days ago, as my old one liked not working better than functioning properly.
From Dad: A synthesizer keyboard and Peavey cabinet.  It's freaking NICE, and I'm stoked to begin my exploration of Techno music.  Now I just need some turntables.  Or something. Oh yeah, and a $100 bill.
From Mom: Boxers (don't laugh; Im' grateful), some RAD cargo pants, a new fleece coat, and Camelback cleaning kit.
From Dave: A new CD case that holds 96 cds.  My old case held 72 and was maxed to the point of near-combustion. That and the new Get Up Kids cd.  Very, very, very good.  I luvey dovey shuvey love it.
From Rich: Another pair of legit cargo pants.  They're really cool.
From Catherine: A gift certificate for a new CD, probably No Motiv, and a leather/metal belt for the Punk Rock shows.
Brandon came by yesterday and gave me a $5 cert. to Zumiez and a rad lil Volcom wristband.  I'm stoked with it.  I gave him his IBC rootbeer 6-pack, but the rest of the gift is still in the US Postal Service system somewhere.  Oh well.
That's most of it I think.  I'm pretty stoked; everything I got is really cool and I think the stuff I gave everyone else will be put to good use; Dave's already logged in like five hours on Cool Borders 4.  Catherine said she likes the Dance Hall Crashers CD I got her, and Rich was stoked on his Burton thermals.
But now onto more serious matters.  I'm confused about some stuff, and I think I need to seriously indulge myself as to the solution of my situation.  No details, as I learned from Laurie that pasting your personal life entirely onto a web page is a bad idea, but if you REALLY want to know, you can just ask me.  Anyway..
Hey, Merry Christmas!

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