August 10, 1999

Today has been rather uneventful.  I went to school registration (lemme tell you how stoked I am on going BACK to school) and proceded to take three people to the mall afterwards despite direct orders from my parents not to do so.  So now I'm grounded for a few days.  But that's okay; most of my friends are still out of town.

After the lecture from the rents it was off to work in SugarLand (not really but my friends know what I'm talking about).  That was cool.  Me and Tim and Eric talked for like half an hour about the stalemate bicycle technology has reached and if anyone wants to get ahead by leaps and bounds, they need to just weld a bottom bracket shell to a motocross bike frame.  That's where it's all headed anyway so why not eliminate all the stupid little steps in between? So that's me and Tim's new plan: buy an old MX bike and strip the engine, throw on some pedals and a crank set....BOOM! Instant DH bike.

I suppose you oughta know some recent events in my life.  The weekend of July 24th was mountain bike Nationals at Deer Valley.  My racing class is 15-18 expert, but that includes some (like 5) kids that also race pro.  I took sixth in the dual slalom and 30th in the downhill.  I was very happy with the weekend's results.  One of my very best friends,
Tim Davis, raced 18 and under sport and won!  His little bro dislocated his shoulder though, so that sorta put a damper on the weekend.  What else?... My ex-girlfriend that cheated on me has now completely turned against me cuz I messed with her site this one time.  It was some stupid thing about a "stolen" applet but nevertheless she freaked out (to be honest, she used to do that a lot but was getting better for as long as I've known her) and now says she'd "rather die than hang out with me."  Tough words for someone that already hurt me once.  Hmm, let's see...I think that's about the only two exciting things that have happened lately.  Oh yeah, Lindsay!  There's this girl that I've been more or less pursuing for about a month and a half but seem to be getting nowhere.  I'm sure she'll be a major part of this feature on later dates.

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