August 16, 1999

Good day today.  I got up at about 9:30, cleaned house a little bit, then went mowing with Brandon. We only made $10 today, but combined with last week and with what we'll do Wednesday, I'll have $40 or something like that coming.  After mowing, we went to Guthrie's to get my paycheck (Probably my last one from them).  It was just shy of $200, so I was happy with it.  Then we took off for Guitar Czar to figure out everything we need to make the band succesful.  The total for just me and Brandon came to $2500, plus $900 for a mixer for us, FiveAlls, and Stuart's other band to share.  Total cost for those not in my band: $75.  Total cost for me, Stu, Brandon, and Ian (each): $700.  Not too bad for enough equipment to play smalltime anywhere in Salt Lake.
After all that, we went to Brandon's brother Ryan's birthday party.  It was pretty fun. I was also supposed to go shoot mtn biking with Gordy Peifer today, but he didn't return my call. Ah well, maybe tomorrow.

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