August 20, 1999

Decent day today.  I slept over at Hunter's house last night with Nick, Mikey, Hunter (duh), Preston, and Brett.  We stayed up until like 4:30 watching this STUPID movie, "Night of the Creeps" and playing Playstation.  Pretty fun evening overall.  Unfortunately, I had to get up at 11 to get home.  But it was all worth it.
Our band, for now being referred to as "Switch" finally got to play with a drummer.  It's been since July 11th or something since I had a drummer within fifty feet of me, so I was pretty stoked.  Practice went very, very well.  We hit up one of my top-ten fave songs, Disconnected by Face to Face and that sounded soooooo good.  You haven't the slightest idea as how good it sounded for a bunch of dorky high school kids.  We also played an Ataris song, San Dimas High School Football Rules (phew), and that sounded pretty darn good too.  Ian couldn't come today, but with me, Stuart, Brandon, and our drummer Joe, we had some good sounds going on.
Other than that?  I read fifty pages of
Crime and Punishment.  Good book.  I recommend it to anyone over the age of 16.  Otherwise you'll be incredibly lost.

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