August 21, 1999

What a long, long day.  Good one, though.  I was awakened at 3:00 am by Tim Davis for Yearbook initiation.  Fun fun!  We toilet papered our advisor's house and did such a spanky job.  How could we not do a good job with like 30 kids and 100 rolls?  It was pretty darn cool.  We parked around the corner from the house and right as we all piled out of the three mini-vans, a cop drove by, stopped, looked at us holding our packs of toilet paper, and kept driving.  We laughed so hard after he left.  Then all the new kids hot humiliated by the editors.  I had to wear a blindfold and lipstick, put big globs of whipped cream in my hands and sing "I'm a little teapot" with all the motions in front of everyone in Village Inn at 4:30 am.  It was all in good humor though.
After that, I came home, had a glass of chocolate milk, and went back to sleep.  That was like 7:00 am.  Brandon calls at noon and waked me up to remind me that we have to mow five lawns today.  That was cool.  In four hours, I made $37.  Nine bucks an hour sounds good to me.
We started mowing at like 1:30 and finished at about 4:15, then I went down to Guthrie's to check out Krispy's new bikes.  He got a Karpiel Armaggeddon and an Intense Tazer this week.  Both are very cool.  We made some arrangements to jump at the Pit.  We did, and I stuck a coupla no-footers for the camera.  We also hit the coolest little double that I didn't even know existed.  It was good.
Then from there, it was off to the party that Source One (formerly Five Alls) was playing.  They played really well, and I had fun moshing by myself.  One day all of our little bands will have people listening to us.  That will be RAD.
Now it's 10:30 and I'm off to read
Crime and Punishment some more.

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