AUGUST 28, 1999

What a good weekend!  Many, many good things happened this weekend.  Many.
So the first good thing happened Thursday.  I went to go get Brandon's glasses from Stuart's house.  Brandon had already been there, but I got a chance to talk to Stu.  He informed me that we were going to play at a stomp at East on Friday.  Like, yesterday, friday.  I said "okay" and we went ahead with it.  Friday consisted of a pretty good day at school, then a not so good 2:30-3:30 of setting up chairs and tables for some company party of my dad's.  But after that, it was off to Stuart's to run over Disconnected and San Dimas.  But then the good part came:  we learned "Choke" by Lagwagon.  It's a very tough song and we got it down within two hours.  Then we spent an hour setting up for the stomp, half an hour sound checking, and half an hour showering at Stu's house (individually of course).  By now it's 10:00 pm (we spent some time in there meeting some INCREDIBLY hot East girls) and we're walking back in to the commons at East to start playing, and these EMT's run in with a stretcher and we find out that some kid was break-dancing and tried to do a backflip but got bumped and landed on his head.  This resulted in a concussion and a neck injury.  So we started playing at about 10:15.  But check this out: Right as we're about to go, this administrator walks up and tell us that 'if anyone starts moshing, there will be NO bands at East ever again, and the rest of the dances and stomps for the entire year will be cancelled."  So we say we'll tell the crowd that they can jump up and down but no side to side.  This recieves an answer of "Any jumping and I pull the plug."  So we got to get way way into some great punk rock while the kids shuffled around on the floor.  Some really cool seniors at East moshed anyways but got kicked out.  But I thank them with all of my heart.  Then after the stomp ended, we took until about 12:15 loading the truck then unloading at Stuart's house.  By the time me and Brandon crawled into our repective beds, it was probably 1:15 a.m.
Today, me and Brandon were up at the crack of ten and out the door to mow at noon.  We mowed one lawn, hung around at Brandon's for awhile, then I took off for Preston's instead of going home.  I got in trouble but was let off the hook when I got our lawn mowed before the party of my dad's started.  So I went to the West/Hawaii football game. West got crushed, but there were SO MANY GORGEOUS GIRLS there.  It was incredible. And I even had the nuts to talk to a lot of them.  After the game, we took off for the Pie, and after that we went to some juicer at about 10:30.  We hung out there till 11:30.  Again, more hot girls all over the place.  I think I may have something of a chance with this girl named Megan.  She's quite attractive and we seemed to hit it off rather well.
So now here I am at 1:00 am and not tired a bit.  Oh yeah, I also met a girl, who (from the pics on her site) is damn hot AND has a punk band AND snowboards.  Talk about heaven sent!  Her band might open for us when we play clubs and stuff so I'm stoked about that.

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