11 September, 1999

Today was weird.  After awaking to find Brian gone (yay!) I burned the day with Brandon until 3:00 pm. Then we went to try to mow lawns but decided to do just this one.  We got there, and the customer said that he had just done some cement work and asked us to do it monday.  So now it's 5:00 pm and we haven' done anything. So I dropped Brandon and Ian off at their own perspective homes. Then I went jumping at the pit for a little while. But jumping alone is gay, so I left as soon as it started to get dark.  I got home, waited for Preston, Nick, Mikey, Brandon, and Michael to show up.  We all went to Smith's to get stuff to ask to the homecoming dance.  After that, Mikey and Nick left and the rest of the Crew went to Prestons.  We did all of our finalizations there, and went our separate ways.  I asked Lindsey Sine with a bunch of Depends, "My homecoming dance DEPENDS on you saying yes!"  And that was that. Now here I am, typing away and trying to talk to Michael.  Well, not trying. Talking to Michael.  Why did I just put that?  I'm stupid.  Kill me.  And somebody, please, tell Dana I'm sorry for everything.  I can't.

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