28 September, 1999

Pretty good day.  I don't know why, but it has been.  School was good. I stayed awake in all my classes! Let's see...seminary was okay, weightlifting was RAD.  Me and Vickers worked so hard today.  I got my chest all good.  Although I'm starting to think I didn't work it that well, as I'm not that sore.  But we worked hard anyway.  Then lunch was Subway with Kappy and Michael.  Can't go wrong with 12" of meatball.  History was even fun.  Mid-terms were given out and I'm getting an A-.  I went like 4th cuz we started from the back of the alphabet.  So I just cruised the halls for the rest of the period.
Fourth was yearbook.  It was SOOOOO fun today.  We looked at like 12 rolls of developed pics that me and Preston took.  Then we worked some on the individual sports page.  We picked the dominant photo-it's ME!!!  It's a picture that Dave took of me at the Pit.  It's a good pic; plus I'm going to be glorified by 8x10 inches of color in the opening section.  I'm so conceited.  But that's all good I supposed (hint: not really).
Even Cross Country was good.  I got to yell at some little Washington punks who were swearing at us.  I'm very tollerant of bad language.   As in, to the point that it's a regular part of my vocabulary. But I don't need fat, white-trash 11-year-olds telling me to f-ing this and f-ing that.  So I gave them a brief lecture on respect.  And they listened.  Practice was good because it was short.  And because I got to pick on some 6th graders.  Hahahahahahaha!
Then after school was okay.  I sat around for a while, then took pics of Robert Collard blading for Yearbook.  Now I'm on the comp, talking to Dana, Michael, and Kashif.  Dana and me sorta got into an argument, but seem to have resolved it again. I even expressed my deeply hidden feelings of regret for not seeing her in so long.  But Cut and Paste doesn't want to work today on YahooBuilder, so you won't get to read it.  Hah!

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