September 4, 1999

Cool Friday, crappy Saturday night.
Friday was a great day of school, then Laffingstock (our band's name) playing the stomp after the football game.  West got crushed at the game but the stomp ruled.  We had like 600 people moshing.  There was so much energy.....It ruled.  We played Choke, San Dimas, Eternal (our first original), and Disconnected.  All of them were pretty tight, and everybody seemed to be having a great time.
But then Friday ended.
Today just sucked.  Well, actually this morning wasn't that bad; me and brandon started mowing at about 12:00.  We made arrangements to weed for 2 hours on monday, probably another $20 apiece.  I got my parents $75 for my bike today.  Then Lizzie and Bronwen came over to my house (yes, I know I"m supposed to hate them but having girls come to visit is always nice).  Then we went out to Wendys with Nick, Preston, and Mike Cox.  After that, the girls went home, and we went to Grunts and Postures to get hair dye. Nick finished bleaching his hair, and I put some blue on top of my black.  That all went well.
Then we chilled at Preston's for awhile.  This was excellent.  I sat on the couch with Bronwen for about an hour discussing the possiblity of a relationship.  However, I DO NOT WANT TO JACK NATHAN so I think I might hold out on that for a while.  We do both want it to be pretty much based on axion, so that was a nice change.
But then everybody left.  I took Preston's car to some party at Lindsay Sine's house.  It sucked, and she and Preston kissed.  Until Bronwen and I had talked, I was seriously considering working at Lindsay for a while.  I think I could have gotten with her, too.  But now that's all over.  I have no options of who to get with, save Bronwen, and that's a huge question mark.  Preston backstabbed me.  Nobody at the parties woudl give me the GD time of day.  I hate all of West's stupid conformists though, so I don't care.
The best part was at like 11:00, though.  I almost got in some fight with Scott Reid.  After returning to Preston's house, Scott was in the driveway.  I yelled, "Tell Scott to get out of here."  I meant it as, "Tell Scott and his friends that we're tired and don't want people over."  But, of course, he got pissed and had three other seniors, one of them a poly, backing him up when he said "You got something to say to me?" as I stepped out of the car.  I wasn't about to get my arse kicked, so I  just said no.  But whatever.  Tonight sucked dick.

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