Imagine me with blue hair.

Brandon Kitterman


Brandon is the man.  We went ot pre-school together, but weren't very good friends (as best as I can remember).  But in eighth grade, Brandon was picked by me and Nick to play the bass for our band.  Once we realized that he was a guitar player and not a bass player, we kept him on a six string and he still plays punker music with me to this day.
Now Brandon is more or less my best friend I suppose.  I hate using that term cuz it sounds all derogatory to everyone who isn't your "best friend."  But it will have to do.  We hang out a lot, we mow lawns together, we're in a band together....It's pretty cool.   He used to really bug me a lot, much like Brian Hoyt does now, but that all ended about a year or so ago.  Now he's a very cool guy.
We share some common interest: Snowboarding, punker music, and a few girls, but other than that we're pretty much different people I guess.  We agree a lot and have more or less the same outlook on life, but we're still individuals or whatever so that's cool.
Brandon's a pretty sarcastic guy sometimes.  Between me and him, it sometimes gets to the point where we're not sure if we're being sarcastic or not.  That's bad.  But sometimes we actually talk seriously about serious things.  That's good. In fact, we have some big plan for our futures.  We're both going to minor in education and major in music (I'll probably actually minor in ed and music and major in history or something) then start a musical academy in Salt Lake City.  SLC doesn't have one yet, but it should.  There's lots of talent here and not a whole lot of good programs to support it all.
Brandon is also partner in business. We have a yard care company, Capitol Hill Yard Care, that brings in a good amount of dollars.  It's actually a lot better than working at the bike shop: in two hours, I can make $30.  It took about 8.5 hours to do that at the shop.  Anyways, our business is off to a good start.  We combined my old service with his and Tim Davis' service to pretty much be the only local boys on the job.  It rules.
Brandon kinda has it tough with girls.  Well, not really but I'm thinking of one instance in particular.  If you want the lowdown on that you'll have to e-mail me to get it.  The said incident was in 8th grade though, and ever since he's been worrisome about the whole dating scene.  Not that I blame him; it's hard enough when you've had a fairly good amount of dealing with relationships.  He's only gotten screwed by his "friends" when he tried to get with girls so he is pretty sketched about the whole thing.

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