Dana Tami

Ian James

Ian.  The most honest person I know.  And that is by far the biggest compliment I could ever give to anyone.
We met in kindergarten.  That was all.
First grade: we went to school together.
Second grade:  we actually became friends!  I remember the day that we had our first real conversation.  It happened at lunch recess; we were playing soccer.  Ian kicked the ball and it hit me in the stomach.  Ian's always been a very, very strong/semi-violent person and needless to say, a shot in the gut from a ball richocheting off his foot was enough to literally bring me to my knees.  The ball bounced back to Ian, who, in his infinite wisdom, took another shot and this one tagged me in the face.  So picture this:  I drop to my knees, the cannonball fires again and throws my head backwards as I'm clutching my abdomen.
We've been wonderful friends ever since.
Ian is possibly the best person I know.  He's incredibly smart and his grades reflect that.  He's athletic, he's strong, and I'm not ashamed to admit he's a pretty handsome guy.  He's got a great girlfriend and he's an incredible artist.  He's got everything going for him.  He's even strong in the church!
The only thing that sucks about Ian is that I never see him anymore. His g/f is not one of the "clique" so we don't hang out with them ever, as he's more than willing to sacrifice us dorks for real friendships and relations.  I still miss seeing him, though.  He's a funny guy.  He's actually one of my real friends and not just another crowd-filler.  We mow lawns together with Brandon on the weekends so I get to hang out with him like every Saturday.

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