
Lizzie Owens

Long story.  Possibly longer than Lindsay's.
Me and Lizzie met in 6th grade.  She came to Lowell, my elementary school, after a few years somewhere else for the ELP program.  Probably her first mistake.  Then she became friends with this girl named Sarah Schuab, who I used to think was really weird but thanks in part to Lizzie, we're pretty good friends.  Anyway, me and Lizze "went out" in sixth grade.  It was weird: she was my first girlfriend and I had no idea what the hell I was doing.  Things didn't really work out to any degree.  We ended up kinda hating each other.
Then we went to West together for seventh grade.  Not much happened here, except we grew really bitter over the summer.  I remember one day after P.E. had ended we were sitting in the hall waiting to be dismissed and we got in this huge argument over some stupid little thing.  We both commented on how much we hated each other and stuff like that.  Anyway, seventh grade wasn't exactly a loving year for our relationship.
Eighth grade, however, had some interesting changes in mind for us.  After me and Bronwen went out, me and Lizzie almost hooked it up, or so I thought.  She got her friends to tell me she "really liked me" and that she wanted to hook up.  I was like, "okay," and asked her out.  Little did I (or hardly anybody for that matter) know, she was already going out with this kid named Tanner Blonquist.  She USED me as an excuse to drop him.  Needless to say, I was pissed as hell at Lizzie and Tanner wasn't very happy with me, either.  So that was gay.
That was in like late October I guess.  In March, while I was with Lindsay, she started bugging me about how I didn't need to be with Lindsay for so long, and how I needed a different girlfriend, namely her cuz she really liked me.  I was suspicious.  This all sounded so familiar.
But she didn't give up.  She'd write me notes in every class we had together.  She'd call me at night and we'd talk until like 3:00 in the morning.  She was all about being flirty.  Once me and Lindsay had been together for about nine months, we finally broke up.  I gave things about a month to settle down, and me and Lizze were reunited.
Things sucked.  I kissed her once after about a week.  Then everything froze up.  She started acting weird around me.  Her friends would just say, "uhhh..." and walk away when I'd bring things up.  Turns out the whole thing was like some game for her; to see if she could get me to dump my girlfriend and go out with her.  I guess the kissing thing was just to humor me.  Again, that sucked.
For the rest of our freshman year, we were more or less bitter enemies.  I hated her for what she did to me, and she hated me because she's a bitch.  Nick and Mikey joined in with my cause once the full reality hit them.  Nick wrote the meanest, coldest, most heartless, funniest note of all time to her about how she was obviously a lesbian.  The thing was, he had some other girl give it to one of Lizzie's teachers, then give it to Lizzie.  He even typed it.  Lizzie didn't know who it was for like a month; me and Nick were the main suspects, though.  That was darn funny.  After that, I think she sort of got the picture that we hated her for a reason, and I guess that hurt her because she cried a lot and stuff.  Actually, I'm pretty sure it was just for attention.  But it felt good to watch her suffer.
Sophomore year:  the anger kinda carried through the summer, but we got along good enough when school started again.  In November (I think) she gave me a definite impression that things were going to happen.  I tried, she pushed me away.  She made up some crap about "feeling pressured."  Except it was all her idea.  The same thing happened the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve. This is less than a year a go, now, so I'm still feeling the affects of it.  Anyway, this time was way worse.  She actually told me, right there, two inches from my face, that she wanted to make out with me, that she wanted a relationship, and she was sick of screwing around.  Nope!  Nothing happened.  I totally got burned.  I was feeling bad enough already; a lot of lame stuff was happening with my family and other friends.  I almost killed myself when things went wrong with her that time.  But I didn't, and I sort of got over it.  Then I hooked up with Dana. That was good; she was probably the best girlfriend I've ever had; and easily the best female-friend I've ever had.
Then some messed up stuff happened with me and Dana in like June, and once again Lizzie came charging in.  And once again I was lured.  And once again I was destroyed when I found out it was all for nothing.
I can sum up how I feel about Lizzie in one word: hate.  I hate how she treats her friends, I hate how she treats my friends, I hate how she treats herself, and I hate how she treats me.  I hate her attitude, I hate how she loves to get drunk because it's "cool," not because it's fun or relieves her pressures.  I hate her elitist attitudes.  I hate her little games that she thinks she can play with people's emotions.  Fuck her.
She is really hot, though.
So if she ever gets really drunk, and wants some for the night, I'm on it.  But don't expect to see me talking to her the next week at school.

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