Don't I look cool? :P

Michael Owen

my hood's crew

Michael is the freakin' coolest kid out.  When we first met in seventh grade, actually 7th-9th grades I thought he was a dork.  Tall, kinda gangly, really smart and rather annoying, young Michael was one of the people I hated most.
Then I didn't see him for a year.
I don't know why we started talking on the net, but we did.  I guess he was talking to Dana, then he was talking to there we go.  Now Michael is one of my better friends.  He's still tall and really really smart, but he's really funny.  Me and him are actually really similar, except I'm a poser-skater-punk and he is what he is.  We're both LDS and proud of it, we both hate conformity and everything that tries to oppress individualism, and we both have crushes on a lot of the same girls.  Pretty weird.
Probably the coolest thing about Mike is his sense of humor.  If you don't know him very well, most of his comments would seem strange and out of place.  But once you get to know him and understand that he's not pretending to be anything he's not, he's really funny.  He's really sarcastic and a lot of his jokes are pretty dry.  But still really funny.
Another one of his traits is how open and tolerant he is.  Even though we share very different likes when it comes to hobbies, music, entertainment, etc, he still is willing to talk to me about any of it.  Heck, he even supports my band!  Now that's friendship.

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