Nick Sullivan


All I can do about Nick is apologize.  Not to everyone, but to him.  I'm probably the worst friend he's ever had and he'll probably never know how much I regret being a dork all the time and not having any of my priorities straight with him.  I talked crap about him with my other guy friends a little, but mostly I was not very kind about him with Lindsay.  It makes me want to cry just thinking about it.  I know that sounds dumb, but you don't understand.
Me and Nick first met in kindergarten.  We've gone to school together ever since.  We were pretty good friends the whole time, but through about seventh grade he hung out with a kid named Luke a lot.  But him and Luke kinda went in different directions in eighth grade, when me and Nick started my first band, Direct.  It was lots of fun, even though we sucked incredibly.  We played with Brandon and Mikey Collard, and Mikey hated it, and Nick ended up also hating it because I'm a control freak.  The important thing about that, though, is that it brought me and Nick together all of the time at school and about three days a week after school.  But I don't know what happened after that.  He didn't really change, he just met some other people.  Then our freshman year, he got into some trouble (nothing too serious, just stupid teenage stuff) and that's pretty much where he started hanging out with me less and less.  The reason I'm so sorry about everything is that when he was going out with Lindsay, I was a dick about him because I liked Lindsay.  After they broke up, I talked SOOOOO much crap about Nick with Lindsay and Tami.  Now Tami and me aren't the grandest friends either, and I hate Lindsay.  I can't believe how much one stupid girl can mess me up.  I only hope that Nick is a better person than me and can see over my stupid mistakes.
Nick's a cool guy.  He has blond hair, blue eyes.  He's not an athlete or anything so that's down.  He likes punk music, hardcore, hip-hop, lots of stuff.  He's also very funny.  He can make me laugh harder than anyone else I know.  Everything that comes along, Nick can twist it into something hillarious.  The thing that sucks is this year he's at a different school and I haven't seen him in almost a month (9/1/99).  Well, it's really only been a week and a half, but seems like a month.
So if you know Nick and see him, tell him I'm sorry for being a loser.  Even if he doesn't know why.

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