Self-portrait  August '99

Photography is all sorts of RAD!

Scary!  July '98

Willard Bay rocks the house n stuff

The Infamous Gold Coat   Sept '98

Well, here I am.  The Big One.

Dual Slalom at Deer Valley   July '99

This is just this past July at Deer Valley.  I took 6th in the junior expert men's Dual Slalom

This coat is my favorite article of clothing.

MTB Racing, Baby!    June '98
Watch out, Scott Byerly    July '98

I just won some race.  I can't remember which one.

If you haven't tried it, try it.

Bond.  James Bond.    October '99
Ben Lomond Tourney   December '98 Happy birthday, Riotch!

Undefeated my sophomore year, baby!

Me and my bro Rich on his birthday, August '98

back to what I was saying...

Homecoming '99 with Lindsey Sine

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