D&C 6:33

I don't care what anybody says about the Mormon Church.  We rule.  I remember Nathan telling me a story once about his church camp and how it consisted of kids age 14 getting drunk.  And kids doing things I didn't know you could do with a rotary speed drill.  And Nazi's threatening Nate's manhood. Something is odd about a "church camp" that teaches values such as this.
My freshman english teacher was/is Jewish, and she came off as rather arrogant.  One day, she flipped out at me because I said someone was a "hebrew" in stead of a "jew".  I know a lot of Jewish people, and I asked all of them if that's something offensive.  The answer was unanimously "no".  So I'm kinda bitter about her.
The best thing about being a Mormon is the stuff people ask me on the ski slopes.  People from like Maryland: "So, you're mormon then?  What's it like, having more than one mom?"  Seriously, folks.  Would I be a happy little teen skiing by myself if I had three mothers and like 12 siblings?  The answer is obviously no.
Actually, the gospel is a really important part of my life.  It's funny; I'd WAY rather go to Village Inn during first black than seminary.  I'd rather sleep in on Sunday than go to church at bloody 9:30.  But when I'm getting a really good lesson and can feel the spirit way strong.... It's hard to describe.  Everyone who knows me, and I mean REALLY knows me (read: Michael and Dana) know that I overinterperate things all the time and thus my life sucks.  I'm really hard on myself.  The only time that doesn't happen is when I'm doing all the right things.  Reading the scriptures, praying, going to seminary and staying awake all just come together to make my days better.  I don't care if you're laughing at me, either.  My life is supposed to revolve around my religion.  I'm not perfect by any means, but I am doing a pretty good job thus far.

As far as the church itself goes, it sucks here in Utah.  Everybody has been brought up in the church. Nobody has ever questioned anything.  They're sheedp; blindly believing in whatever is put in

"family" that didn't know they were going to have kids?  Possibly a good one, but more likely one with emotional problems.
That's all the lame stuff I can think up right now.
Here's some things we DO believe in, though.
We believe that God the Father and Jesus Christ are two separate beings.  Both of them have bodies of flesh and blood. But their bods are perfect, not all mortal and lame like ours.
We believe that the priesthood of God, and revelations from him, did not exist on the earth from about 200 AD to the 1830's, when the church was restored.
We believe that men are punished for their own sins.  We don't believe in "fate"; we believe in pre-destination.  The two are actually quite differnt.  Fate says you will do what you do no matter what.  PD says you'll do things, but you have lots of choices along the way to determine where you end up.  That's our philosophy on this mortal existence, by the way.  It's a test.  If we do really well, we receive eternal salvation.  If we do poorly, we receive eternal life, but have to live with ourselves foever knowing we could have done better.
We DO NOT believe in hell.  We believe in Outer Darkness, which is really, really hard to get into.  Actually, it's harder to get to O.D. than it is to be reunited with God.  This is because you have to get all the way to a perfect understanding of the gospel, then turn around, denounce all that you've learned and believed, then attack the church.  So it's pretty much impossible, unless you're some freak.
Anyway, if you have any questions about the church,
e-mail me for sure.  I'd more than love to talk to anybody about it, or even debate about it.  But I don't want anything that says "you're a mormon, you suck."  Because then you've proven to me that I don't suck; you do.  By that I mean you have a closed mind and therefore you're a moron and will never succeed in life.  So HA!

WE ARE POLYGAMISTS:  NOT TRUE! Only a select few handfulls of freaks in Utah (and Cali, Nevada, Washington, and Colorado, BTW) have more than one spouse.  I did say freaks. That wasn't a typo.
Nope.  We don't agree with what they do.  In fact, we believe it's a sin.  But I can

front of them.  Not that that is "bad" necessarily.  But I just don't get how somebody can base their life on something that they take entirely for granted.  I'm not saying the church isn't true; I know it is.  I know that Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ in the sacred grove.  I know Gordon B. Hinckley is a true prohet, a

The Salt Lake City Temple

live and real prophet for modern days.
Probably the coolest aspect about the church is how it recognizes the youth as the future.  Most things I deal with, school and my dad in particular, see kids as trouble and little punks.  Which is mostly true, I guess.

assure you, there's good logic behind that. We love all people, and welcome homosexuals into the church.  We try not to point fingers.
Well, we don't drink coffee or tea.  And we're supposed to drink coke and mt. dew sparingly.  But it's a


But still, it's cool to be involved with something that belives so strongly in the power of today's youth.  It's not just that we're going to be the adults someday, but our parents DO learn from us, no matter what anybody says.  We're quite influential, and if we're a better generation than the last, the world will be cooler for my kids.

recommendation, not a law.
Duh.  We're humans, too.  We do believe that sex outside of marriage, is bad, though
We believe that killing an "unborn" baby is still killing.  We do push for planned parenthood.  That's an obviously good thing, I think. What kind of kid comes from a

Here's the good stuff

A link to the Church's site

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