Tim Davis
Hunter Rose


Me and Alex had an interesting beginning.  I'd seen him at West a few times when he was a freshman and I was in 8th grade, but we'd never really talked.  He used to hang out a lot with a kid named Kevin who was my brother's friend's little brother (catch that?), and when I was at my first mountain bike race at Brian Head in '97, Alex was there racing as well.  He'd brought Kevin with him to hang out or whatever, which was lucky, because I didn't know Alex's name at the time.  So I saw Alex and Kevin there, yelled at Kevin, and we chatted aimlessly for a while.  Anyway, this story does have a point!  Like ten minutes into the 1.5 hour race, I rounded a corner to see Alex off his bike with his chain on the ground.  So I got off my bike, gave him my chain tool, and got back into the thick of things.  I took third, and Vickers was all pissed because he didn't fix his chaig, and he was SOOO stoked on beating the little freshman.  Well, looks like I took care of that ;)
So anyway, me and Alex became pretty tight after that.  We rode together a lot, went to a bunch of races together, and hung out a lot.  He's a really cool kid.  Kind of obsessed with his silly BMW, but it's a tight car, so whatever.  His dog is pretty crazy, too.  It always wants to kill me.

That was relevant.

Alex is a funny kid.  He makes everything into some sort of joke.  I guess that's gotten him into some trouble before, but he can bench 275 (and he's only 5'7"), so most people don't mess around with him.  He's got some freaking good luck with girls, something I can't seem to master.  I don't know what else to say about Alex.  He's a rad guy.

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