Ahhh.. Meet, The Boys. These are the guys who ruled Pony Land. They did all the cleaning, cooking, and caring for the babies so the femm's could be out staring in silly movies with that Megan person.

Say hello to North Star. what? North Star is a girl and stared in those childrens movies? Well, you're wrong! This is her twin, North Star. Yes, yes, I know that they have the same name; their mother didn't have too much imagination when it came to naming her children. THIS North Star is a guy and he always came to the rescue when a baby got hurt or lost.

Sunspot! Yes, Sunspot, not Starshine. Again, we run into the issue of twins. Fortunatly for Sunspot and Starshine, their mother had a little more imagination and gave them different names. Sunspot LOVEs to cook! He basically was the chef for all the ponies on and off the set. Baby Lickety Split is totally enamored by him and followes him everywhere. She wants to try everything that he cooks! But, Good old Sunspot only gives her the healthy stuff so she doesn't end up pudgy and go thundering around like Zig-Zag.

BlueTrain is the absalute and total leader of Pony Land. He's the biggest around and, well, he did father most of the babies that stared on My Little Pony. He just roams around and makes sure everything is going well in his little kingdom. Sadly, he has yet to choose a sucessor, seeing as how there are no boy babies. Perhaps, one day, there will be a boy baby in this Pony Land.

Can't stand the confusion and want toget outa here? Then Leave already!

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