This page is a tribute to my friends. I love all you guys. You've each touched my life in one or another and I wouldn't be the person I am today without you.

Click the pictures for links to their sites.


Tene what can I say? We've been through a lot. You'll always be the original Gimp Pagan. You keep my life interesting. Had any Neck Goater lately?


And this one time, at Plaid Camp . . .the other original Gimp Pagan. Anyway, my nights wouldn't be half as interesting without our daily phone calls and your cynical take on life, even though you're dead. Thanks to you I'll never look at Oompa Loompas, Santa Claus or the Easter bunny the same. Oy.


Locke thank you for putting up with my incessant questions and dabblings and for watching out for me. I always look forward to hearing your rants.


Hey doll. Southern Gentlemen and Fat Tuesday just aren't the same without you. Thank you for bringing out my wild side and indulging in my neurosis. When we going dancing?

Pandora Raighn

The latest of our Gimp Pagans. Thank you for understanding and letting me whine to you when I'm feeling down. Watch out, here comes Pac-Man!


Thank you for bring music and poetry back into my life. Thank you for introducing me to Nick, and for always remembering to bring me saltwater when you go to the sea. We need to go camping!


Christian thank you for always being there for me. I don't think I would have made it through my first few months in the valley without you. We've been through a lot and wub joo!

Orionnn thank you for introducing me to a new way a life and always believing in me and encouraging my writing. I miss our phone calls and hope we talk soon.

Patrick what can I say? You've saved my life literally and figuratively more times than I like to think about. You are a guiding force for me, even though I don't get to talk to you very often. Your light will always shine bright. Never forget the gift you have inside. I love you!

Quincy, Daniel, Larry and Luke thank you for making me laugh and making work a little more fun.

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