
Wind swept breezes
carress my bare skin
A silk fine mist
brushes my body

My nerves tingle in excitement
as you, my sweet temptor,
my seducer, touch my soul

Your symphony of dancing light
mesmerizes my very being
I move spinning to unheard
rhythms I feel as you embrace
me with wind whispered kisses

I spin in a dizzying trance
felling tension build within you
as you envelope me
Teasing me, making me blind
to your taunting touch

Excitement ripples through me
as your symphony of light
becomes heard by all
in a soul shaking rumble

The tension builds
around us as we become one
Frantic flashes of light
brighten our midnight sky
to daylight
and your growling rumbles
grow terrifyingly intense

I scream out as your energy
consumes me, controls me
As you take me
Making me your slave, your lover
We are no longer one,
but master and slave
controller and controlee

I bend to your will as you pour down on me
drenching me, soaking me
with your torrent of passion
and power

I Lay lifeless and still
as you slip away
spent and satiated
I await your return
Copyright � 2000 by Jenna Brown


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