'Cogito ergo sum.' (I think; therefore I am.)
- Rene Descartes

With the numerous personal sites that people erect as little shrines to feed their ego, I find it weird that you actually would take time out to see what I've put down here about yours truly. Ah well, if it's about me that you want then it's about me that you'll have.

Full Name
Yeah right, this is the Internet we're talking about. You think I'd give away that kind of information?

Why Azrael?
And why the hell not?

Things I Like
Anime, the WWE, money, loud music ranging from rock, alternative to heavy metal, computers, the Internet, movies (especially funny ones, whether they be intelligent or just plain stupid, I laugh easily), video games (RPGs!), game consoles like the PS2, my sketchbooks, books, magazines, dogs, fanfiction, cable TV, cellphones (hey, they're handy) and oodles more. I'm not hard to please.

Things I Don't Like
Pop groups and singers, pop music in general, sappy stories, Mary Sues, racing and sports games (nothing personal, they just don't appeal to me), shitty ballpens, school and studying, busted equipment, when I can't find something I'm looking for, losing files (I practically went into shock when my computer fizzed out on me once), making mistakes, all types of housework and more. Oh, much more.

Playing videogames, listening to blaringly loud music, watching movies, sketching (mostly anime), fiddling around with the computer, reading, writing stories, you know, mundane, normal stuff. The other things I'm prohibited to talk about. It seems voodoo, witchcraft and the like are taboo.

Favorite WWE Superstar(s)
Undertaker is on the top of my list, and forever will stay there. Next is Rey Mysterio, then Kane, Rene Dupree for obvious reasons, and Chris Jericho is hard not to like, no matter how much I bash him in my stories. Jeff was cool too, although he's gone now.

Favorite TV Show(s)
I usually will watch anything on the tube, unless of course it's a soap opera or golf (boring!), but I have to say that the shows I really like are The Simpsons, Australia Idol (damn thing is pretty addicting) and Six Feet Under. Oh yeah, and I can't forget C.S.I. Curse you for getting me hooked on it, Pyper!

Types of Music Genre I'm Most Into
Modern rock. I'm clogging up my hard drive space with songs from artists like Linkin Park and Audioslave.

Favorite Movie(s)
The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring. Oh come on, you have to admit that it rocked. I have weird taste in movies; others I like are Scent of a Woman, Hook, Cool Runnings, Girl Interrupted, Hanging Up, 100 Girls, Road to Perdition, Orange County, Chicago and others. Yeah, weird, I told you.

Favorite Author/Book
I have morbid taste when it comes to novels, so I'm usually found reading a Stephen King novel, if ever. I also like Mario Puzo and Tom Clancy. As for favorite book, it's a tie between Stephen King's 'It' and Caleb Carr's 'The Alienist.' 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' by Oscar Wilde is pretty good too. Don't give me that look, I really like it.

Favorite Video Game(s)
I stick with RPGs most of the time, so I like the Persona and the ever-popular Final Fantasy Series. Revelations Persona is still my top choice, but Final Fantasy VIIIis a close second. Can't go wrong with The Sims either!

Celebrity/ Celebrities I'd Most Want to Kill Off
You want me to mention all of them? Should make for a pretty long list. Well, Britney Spears, Mariah Carey and most boy bands like but not limited to N'Sync, the Backstreet Boys and most especially Westlife. There's also Eric Bischoff. Oh, plus Claire Danes, Leonardo D'Caprio and a bunch of others I've forgotten but will no doubt remember when I see them on TV and inevitably change the channel.

Ideal Guy

Just one name: Rene Dupree.

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