
Welcome to the games section. All of these games I got from, if not anywhere else. So if for some reason you don't want to play them here, go there and play them... Basically, I had no part in the creation of these games, mainly because I'm not smart enough. Anyway... enjoy!

Phong! - This is basically a rip-off of pong... just with a different name... clever aren't they?

Test your Response time!

Click on "Start" first, and wait until the background color changes. As soon as it changes, hit "stop!"

Snake - Timeless snake, this game never gets old to me. Try playing it on xtreamest after you've gotten some pratice. If you can master that... you deserve to be knited or something.
Tic Tac Toe - Fun Fun Fun! Nothing's better than tic tac toe... well a few things are better than it. Now that I think about it, a lot is better than it. Tic Tac Toe isn't that great of a game anyway... but here it is...
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