
Name: Josh
Age: 17
Grade in school: 12th, SENIOR! whoop whoop!
School: Sickles High School... bleh
Location: tampa, florida
Sign: capricorn, or something
Sex: oh... yeah...
penis: yes
vagina: no!
Favorite bands: The Vandals, System of a Down, Voodoo Glow Skulls, Slipknot, Catch 22, Nirvana, Pennywise, Big D and the Kids Table,
Primus, Poison the Well, The Bouncing Souls, Tomorrow Never Came, etc...
Favorite movies: Mallrats, Four Rooms, Dogma, Seven, Clerks, Reservoir Dogs, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Favorite Songs: "A Gun For Christmas" - The Vandals,
"Pictures" - System of a Down,
"Remember Me" - Tomorrow Never Came,
"Possum Kingdom" - Toadies
"On & On & On" - Catch 22
"Brodie Johnson Weekend" - Voodoo Glow Skulls
"Surfacing" - Slipknot
Instrument: guitar, bass
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