Welcome to Goth Talk

I'm Circe Nightshade.

And I'm Azrael Abyss, Prince of Sor-row.

Welcome to the show that explores the moody depths of the goth lifestyle here in Tampa, Florida.

DISCLAIMER:  These videos are copyrighted by/belong to NBC.  I take NO responsibility for their use.  I would like to thank NBC and Saturday Night Live for creating Goth Talk and hopefully they will be cool about this page.  I will take these down at the FIRST request of NBC.  Please do not take these links and post them on your page.  I would not appreciate this and will ask you to take them down.

If you like this page, feel free to email me at [email protected]

You are the Counterth visitor to our sinister tomb of dark madness.

Click on any of the following links for 56K streaming G2 RealVideo (you must have the RealPlayer 8 installed)

 Goth Talk 1 - Robe Lowe is "The Beholder"
 Goth Talk 2 - Jeff Goldblum is "Count Feedback"
 Goth Talk 3 - Chris Farley plays Glen's buddy
 Goth Talk 4 - Sarah Michelle Gellar plays "Cobwella"
 Goth Talk 5 - Steve Buscemi plays "Tony Baloney"
Goth Talk 6 - SNL Halloween Special intro
Goth Talk 7 - Lucy Lawless plays "Baroness Blackbrood"
Goth Talk 8 - Christina Ricci is "Hezebaia of the Dust"
Goth Talk 9 - Charlize Theron is Marla of "Marla & Cody's Blair Witch Tour"

Here's a mini-FAQ about Goth Talk:

Q- What's goth?
A- I'm not touching this one with a 10' cattle prod.  Try here.  Or what NBC thinks it is.

Q- What's that song they play in the beginning of the skit?
A- "Bela Lugosi's Dead" by Bauhaus

Q- What's up with that dude, man? He's like some messed up mime or something!
A- Chris Kattan plays Todd Henderson aka "Azrael Abyss".  Azrael is the angel of death and an abyss is "An immeasurably profound depth or void".  How goth.  He works at Cinnabons and wears his mom's makeup.

Q- That chick looks pretty hot! What's she doing hanging out with a wuss like Todd?
A- Molly Shannon plays Stephanie aka "Circe Nightshade" aka "Ludella - Queen of the Crows".  Circe is a Greek goddess and nightshade is a poisonous plant.

Q- That Glen  dude is really cool.  I get turned on when he beats on Todd.
A- Jim Breuer plays Glen Henderson, Todd's older brother, he's not very goth.  He goes to Michigan State, don't you wish you did too?

Q- What were those bands again?
A- "Eternal Jamnation" is led by "Count Feedback" (Jeff Goldblum)
     "Satan's Answering Machine" is led by "Baron Nocturna" (Will Ferrell)
     "The Grim Reverb" - A morbid elegy to the horrible squalor of life.

Q- Are those real goth bands?
A- No, real goth bands have much more cheesy names like "Lestat", "Nosferatu", "Mephisto Waltz" and "London After Midnight"

Q- Where does Azrael Abyss live?
A- With his parents at 113 Sunny Palm Court, Tampa, FL 32073.  Write to him!

Stay out of the daylight....

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