To hear only his heart calling to me above the roar of the sea
Welcome to my web page.  In the pages that follow you will learn a little about who I am in the real world, my passions, interests, and friends.  My family will eventually be included in these pages but for now while I am still learning my way around I prefer to keep things simple and not give out to much information on our real life.  I began this project as a way to occupy my time for reasons that will be apparent later as the pages begin to weave together my life.  As you may have guessed Azrai Ana is but a pen name, one I have adopted as a element of mystery for myself.  I chose to be  little mysterious because I feel it shows a sense of passion in a person to hold a little mystery in their lives.  In the pages that follow you will find many things that are of interest to me in my real life.
      As for now I can only claim title and ownership to the poetry that I have written, and the journal entries that are about me and my everyday life.  The content of the remaining pages has been either sent to me, or downloaded from sites that claim no ownership to the material.  If this is in error please e-mail me and I will remove it upon request or add your name as owner if I recieve your permission to keep it on my site.
     I am very new at this web page business and am learning as I go.  Please bear with me as I introduce new material and content to the pages.  Feel free to e-mail me with suggestions, comments, or material that you would like to see here. 
                                                Thanks for viewing these pages.  --Azrai Ana--
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