Welcome.  Let me introduce you to my friends.  Some are old, and some fairly new.  This page will be a work in progress for quite some time, I have to convince everyone to give me pics to put here, that alone will be a challenge in itself.  Don't be to suprised though to find yourself here if I already have a pic of you.  No you can not be mad at the web designer!!! There's a rule to that effect somewhere, right??? Check back often for new additions.  Thanks everyone for always being there.  Even in my darkest days my truest and dearest friends let me know I am still loved no matter what I may have done or said, they are my shoulder to cry on and the hug I need to see me through.  They accept me for who and what I am despite my faults and issues.  It is all of you who have helped me to become who and what I am today. You are all a part of my being, you help me to define my self worth and for those things I thank you everyday.
--Azrai Ana--
Matt, thank you for being you, you taught me somethings about myself I needed to learn. You have been a very important part of my life recently, I miss you. I hope the friendship and love we have can prosper despite the issues we both need to deal with.
Kim, eventaully you will be on this page.. if I have to steal a pic from you. Thank you for being who you are in my life. I can not live without you in it. I believe you have come into my life for a lifetime,for so much reason, not just a season.
Ed, you have no idea how much I appreciate your friendship now. Wish I had appreciated and believed in you more so long ago. Thanks for all your help. Where's the pic you promised?
Shannon and Chris, you two are So family. Thank you for being there through all the crap, and putting up with me even when it takes forever for me to learn a lesson about love.
Jeanne, through all years you have stayed true. Thanks for always listening and giving me back my own advice, I heed it better when it comes from someone else.Your friendship is priceless to me.
Becky, such a new friend
but all so important. Thank you for listening and putting up with my tragic moments in life.
David, you will never know the value I put on your friendship and advice. Thank you for always caring and loving me for me, despite my bad choices and insecurities, and for always having faith in me & encouraging me to move forward.
Beth Ann, my oldest friend. I am sorry I don't keep in better touch. You have been there since the beginning, an adopted sister as well as my best friend, thank you for the first day of kindergarten and all the days that have followed.
Jen, under my wing all the time.  Friends never turn their back. I will always be here to help you through the tough times as I know you will be there for me.
Paula, from the very first 3 hour phone call we have managed to always catch up on life somehow. Thank you for your friendship. It means the world to me.
Tom, the big brother I never had.  Thank you so much for always being there. Including me in your family, and listening as well as being there for me when I need advice on matters of the heart. Todd, finally we find ourselves in a place to quit trying to kill the others spirit. I thank you for our children and wish you the happiness we could never have together, despite the years of trying.
Sylvia, Shandra, and Stephanie, just three of the Hanau Angels I have been able to find. Thanks for being part of the that awesome experience as well.  You'll never know how much it meant to me to have all of you as my friends and to find you after all these years. Miss you guys too!
Monica and Diane, the life and times we experienced together were awesome. The days of being 16 have been long gone but very much rememered. Oh, the trouble that found us that we didn't run away from. If our moms only knew! Thanks for being apart of growing up. Miss you guys!
Jo Ann, Thank you again and again, for including me. For the experience of a lifetime. I'm glad I changed my mind. The concert was positively beautiful.
Angela, Thank you for understanding. For letting me be apart of your and Bri's life then and now, after all those years. Not being family makes it easier sometimes.
Annette and Kim, what happened to the dream?  Oh, yeah- I moved and we grew up. But it was always fun. Thanks for all the good times. The memories are priceless and make me wish for those days often. What's your 10-20, comeback--Pocohontas out!!
Nephie, TY 4 alwys listn n bein there, evn in the wee hrs of the mornin. Its alwys good 2 get that erly mornin txt or call, depndn on what wev ben doin.ttyl.
rembr if u wana knw, u gota N.D.
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