My Other Hobbies or Interests
Weight Lifting 

Although I have a tall and thin physique, I enjoy weight lifting a lot. My purpose in lifting weights was first to be stronger and of course look better. Now I am slowly changing my regimen to cater for size increases rather than strength. I now train at a local gym 6 times a week. You must think I am crazy going to the gym 6 times a week right. Well I only train each body part once a week. I only lift weights Mondays ( chest and biceps ), Tuesdays ( legs/cardio ), Thursdays ( shoulders and triceps ), and Saturdays ( back ). On Wednesdays and Fridays I usually do cardio work. And I rest on Sundays. 
There is a lot you can learn about the human body and how it grows from weight lifting. I am now a student of weight lifting, I am always reading about how the body works and how to optimize my goals in weight lifting. Also the Internet is a good place to find articles and facts about weight lifting. 


My interest in guitar started when I was in high school. My uncle tought me how to play. I think he showed me some chords and how to play one song. Then the rest I learnt all by myself. I like playing songs from all sorts of music. Usually its the heavy metal and rock stuff but now i kinda like the contemporary sounds or rap sounds. I play songs from Metallica, Guns n Roses etc, Dire Straits, and also local songs. I really don't mind what songs I play as long as they sound good to me...hehehe 
Me and a couple of friends got together and started a band called Firhad and the Band. I play lead, Firhad plays rhythm guitar and Hadi plays drums. We usually jam at a local spot where you can rent a studio and play called the Black Widow. Well now we don't jam at all, i guess we just got tired of it all and gave it a rest... 
Oh yeah, my guitar collection is a Gibson Les Paul Standard and a Takamine Acoustic/Electric Cutaway. Bought it when I was in the states. Now its just sitting in the closet collecting dust. 

Playstation Games 

I enjoy playing video games. It first started with computer games but then it got too expensive. As the games got cooler, the computer that is needed to run them must be cool too. So you have to upgrade your computer ever so often to keep up with the games that are out. Now to solve all that hassle, I got me a Sony Playstation. Its da bomb!!! And man, over here the games are dirt cheap!!! 


Well, lets see...I've got a 1995 1400cc Suzuki Intruder, so I must be interested in bikes. I enjoy cruising on it. Its pretty cool plus all the chicks dig it. I brought it back from the states. Over in the states cruising was da bomb. Over here in Malaysia its not that cool. Its cool in the nights but during the day, man is it hot and plus the cars don't give you enough room. They are always trying to pass you or something. Over in the US you are considered as one vehicle and therefore you are entitled to the road as much as a car or other vehicle. But over here, you are entitled to just half the road, the cars are always trying to get beside you and pass. Thats why I always ride in the middle of the freakin road. That way they don't get any ideas...

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